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Traffic Jam Rush

Play on Traffic Jam Rush


Rating: 4.2
If you're looking for some mindless fun while you're sat in a traffic jam, Traffic Jam Rush could be just the answer.
View Traffic Jam Rush Gameplay

If you're looking for some mindless fun while you're sat in a traffic jam, Traffic Jam Rush could be just the answer. This game charges you with the task of keeping the traffic flowing on a busy junction and preventing crashes. Vehicles approach the crossroad from all directions and you can speed them to the other side. You can make them stop simply by tapping on them. For every vehicle that makes it to the other side, you score a point. If there's a crash, the game ends. 

It's Monday morning, a new week, when people have to get back on track with their schedules and get to work or take their children to school. With this said the city can get pretty crowded at rush hour so your task will be to generate the traffic so that everybody gets in time safe and sound. 

Traffic Rush is very simple to play, and yet highly addictive. It's the kind of mindless fun that makes time pass very quickly indeed and you'll constantly be telling yourself "just one more go" as you try to surpass your high score. 

Good luck and have fun!

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