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Robo Racing 2

Play on Robo Racing 2


Rating: 4.9
Play intense action shooting games with robots online like this new Robo Racing 2 games. And try your skills behind the wheels on a car that transforms.

Play intense action shooting games with robots online like this new Robo Racing 2 games. And try your skills behind the wheels on a car that transforms.

Looking for the latest action transformers games online like this new game from y8 called Robo Racing 2 game. Robo Racing 2 is a free online car game that you can play here on behind the wheels of a modified car that transforms and guys come out and shoots any moving thing from this way. And steer and fight in robot mode with other robots with your special abilities. In Robo Racing 2 games robots are made to help humans with everyday chores and work. And everything goes good until we discover artificial intelligence and robots revolt against the human race. Many of humans will die in fight until sciencest will build a special transformer that will fight other bad robots piloted by you. So do your best and become the hero in our world and fight and free the planet from killing machines.Have fun and good luck!

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