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Cooking Bean Meatballs

Rating: 4.9
Sienna is a sweet girl but when comes to eat beans she can be very stubborn.
Sienna is a sweet girl but when comes to eat beans she can be very stubborn.
Sienna is a sweet girl but when comes to eat beans she can be very stubborn. She does not like beans and her mother tried everything to make her like them. Being a loving mother she does not want to give up so easily, she wants to try a new bean recipe and hopes this one will be the one that Sienna enjoys. The recipe is bean meatballs with a yummy dressing next to it. Help Siennas mother make a delicious bean meatballs meal to impress Sienna with it. It is very easy to make, just follow her lead step by step. When are done place them on a plate and add the yummy yogurt, tomatoes salad. Enjoy!